Monday, May 30, 2011

Something for the mean time

Hi guys,

it’s been quite a while since I’ve posted the last article on my blog. This time the delay is clearly due to me being extremely occupied by university. Over the last weeks I had to give several presentations, had meetings and lots of stuff to do. Now that I’ve finished nearly all of this, I will return to writing some articles for my blog.
So what has happened in the meantime? Of course, GW raised lots of their prices, this time a lot of books and plastic kits got more expensive. Metal models nowadays are out-dated and have been replaced by shiny new resin models, but obviously this move wasn’t thought to the end by GW. Lots of these models seem to have major flaws due to resin not properly filling the moulds. I for myself can’t say anything to this, because I haven’t had any of these models in my own hands and maybe never will have, because due to the high prices I’m most certainly not going to buy those.
After these unhappy remarks I can announce that my gaming table has been set up at the moment, so I’ll maybe be able to play a few games, write battle reports and of course make lots of pictures of the finished table and lots of our terrain (recently we received a huge LOS-blocking piece of terrain, take that shooty armies :P).
Over the last weeks I was able to play two games against my brother’s BAs with my new DE army. By now I also received some of the models I bought on ebay (still don’t know what to do with about 60 Wyches …), so I don’t have to use proxies for every single miniature. At this point I’m experimenting a lot with different lists and am not even sure whether to focus on playing with webway portals or to prefer aggressive lists with lots of vehicles. One thing I already learned the hard way: DE tend to die quite fast if you move them the wrong way and most of my DE lists bear lots of killpoints. This means that in killpoint games I have to play really aggressive in order to score lots of points, because I will give away a lot as well.
So let’s see what I can already say about the DE codex after having played a few games with different lists. First of all I’m impressed that there are not many units I would certainly not buy for my lists. Most of the units are clearly strong, good in combinations are can at least be called playable. As always I will leave out special characters, because I just play them not often enough to make up my mind about them (besides, Baron Sathonyx is a real bitch for only 105 points).
In the HQ there are three different choices, beginning with the Archon. The Archon is quite cheap and can get lots of shiny stuff, some of this is even useful and things like an invulnerable save should always be bought for him. He is also the perfect addition for a unit of Inccubi to equip them with grenades (I normally like to keep my high initiative). After buying the Archon you can buy his court as well, but this unit has the same problems most of command squads share, I don’t get what I should do with it and it is just not strong enough.
The second choice is the Succubus, already equipped with an invulnerable save (at least for CC) there are only some weapons that can be bought and otherwise there are no options at all. In a small force the Succubus can be played, because it’s cheaper than an equipped Archon, but of course it is not as good as the former.
Last but not least there are units of 1-3 Haemonculi. Cheap, interesting upgrades, making Wracks to Troop choices, free Pain Tokens … There are several good reasons to buy these guys.
Before this article now becomes quite too long I will cut the other sections short.
In the Elite slot there are Incubi, Grotesques, Wracks, Mandrakes, Harlequins, Trueborn and Bloodbrides. Incubi are one of the best CC units, because they have S4 and power weapons. Grotesques have S5 and three wounds, so you could you them to block lots of things, but I haven’t tried this yet. Wracks should be played as Troop choices and are good for this job, because they have T4 and FnP. Mandrakes are one of the worst units the codex offers us, either you infiltrate them or give them a Pain Token for their shooting attack, but I normally would want a combination of these things. Harlequins are always good, especially at protecting a portal carrier during the first turns. Trueborn are great to buy several special weapons in small squads and saving points this way. Bloodbrides are just improved Wyches but still got no power weapons and therefore I don’t know if I should really play them.
In the Troop slot there are only Warriors and Wyches, both units can be played and are not bad. Warriors are great in units of 5 in a Venom or Raider and Wyches can have any size between 5 and 10, this way they stay cheap and can already kill lots of smaller units.
The Fast Attack slot grants us Hellions, Scourges, Beasts and Reavers. Hellions are good in units of at least 15 guys, because then they spit out lots of poison shots and can kill even huge enemy units in CC. Scourges can have two special weapons per 5 models and can therefore be designed to either hunt vehicles or infantry. Beasts have really really really lots of attacks in CC and excel in fighting any kind of infantry but can also destroy slightly armed vehicles because of their high number of attacks. Reavers have not been tested by me right now, so I can’t really say anything about this unit.
Last but not least there is the Heavy Support slot featuring Ravagers, Talos/Cronos and Jetfighter/Bomber. The Ravager was good in the old codex and hasn’t lost a bit in the new book. If you have 105 spare points and don’t know what to do with them, buy one of those. Talos/Cronos are only good if coming through a portal, because otherwise their three wounds will be shot away quite fast. If they enter field through a portal they can deal a lot of damage, because S5/7 and being a monstrous creature is always good in CC. The Jetfighter/Bomber are a bit more expensive than the Ravager and are therefore often ignored by me. In addition to some lances they are equipped with different bombs as well, but because I want them to shoot at vehicles in my opinion the bombs are often wasted. But maybe I’m mistaken here and just have to playtest them a little bit.
All in all the codex is really great and it’s lots of fun to play with it. As soon as I have played some more games and figured out some possible lists, I’ll of course write about that to keep you updated. But this is it for today ;)

Cheers Cleutin

Friday, May 6, 2011

Sample Ork Army List

Hey guys,
I’m still lacking some ideas, but once again I’m sitting in a train and have quite some time to think and write this way. So, as already promised I’m going to give you some ideas about the Ork army I’m currently playing most of the time. I’ll just start with the army list so that you know what I am talking about ;)
***************  2 HQ  *************** 
- Mega Armour
- Cybork Body
- Bosspole
 - - - > 115 Points

Big Mek
- Kustom Force Field
 - - - > 85 Points
***************  3 Elites  *************** 
15 Lootas
 - - - > 225 Points

9 Tankbustas
- 2 x Tankhammer
- Nob
- Power Claw
- Bosspole
 - - - > 165 Points

9 Tankbustas
- 2 x Tankhammer
- Nob
- Power Claw
- Bosspole
 - - - > 165 Points
***************  4 Troops  *************** 
3 Meganobz
- 1 x Kombi Shoota-Skorcha
- 1 x Kombi Shoota-Rokkit Launcha
+ Battlewagon
   - 2 x Big Shoota
   - Deff Rolla
   - Grot Riggers
 - - - > 255 Points

19 Boyz
- Nob
- Power Claw
- Bosspole
 - - - > 154 Points

19 Boyz
- Shootas
- Nob
- Power Claw
- Bosspole
 - - - > 154 Points

10 Gretchin
- 1 x Runtherd
 - - - > 40 Points
***************  1 Fast Attack  *************** 
3 Warbuggies
- 3 x Twin-linked Rokkit Launcha
 - - - > 105 Points
***************  3 Heavy Support  *************** 
3 Killa Kans
- 3 x Grotzooka
 - - - > 135 Points

- 2 x Big Shoota
- Deff Rolla
 - - - > 120 Points

- 2 x Fette Wumme
- Deff Rolla
- Grot Riggers
 - - - > 125 Points

Summed up: 1843 Points

As you can see this is roughly a list for 1,850 point games. There are some spare points and if I want I can even get additional free points by kicking a Loota or getting rid of some of the big shootas on the Battlewagons. To get down to 1,750 I can either kick the squad of Warbuggies or instead buy a second squad that consists of 2 Buggies and kick one of the Tankbusta squads completely. Now let’s take a closer look at the list itself.
In the HQ I chose a combination of a Warboss and a Big Mek because in my opinion this is one of the strongest setups. With three BWs in this list I really want to have access to a KFF, but do not really need two of them. The Warboss allows me to buy a squad of Nobz as a Troop choice and this way I can play four scoring units in my list and I’m still able to max out my Elite section.
In the Elite section there is only one large unit of Lootas. Of course I would rather play two squads of 10 Lootas each, but I often play against Tyranids and Marines and learned to love my Tankbustas with their AP 3 weapons a lot. So I stick to two mobile Tankbusta units. Kommandos and Burnaboys didn’t make it into my list, because neither of them really supports my style of playing Orks. A unit of Nobz would be far too expensive in this list and is therefore left out as well.
The first of my Troop choices is a unit of MANz (of course with maxed out woundgroups) in a BW. This way I can even field a BW in Dawn of War deployment if I want to. The Warboss often runs with this unit, in order to not slow down my units of Boyz. The Boy units are at 19 models, because this way I can put each of them into a BW and I am free to decide which of these squads protects the Big Mek. One unit is equipped with shootas so that I get some alternatives in playing these units. Last but not least I included a squad of Gretchins. It should be quite clear that this unit most of the time is kept in reserve and always hides and does nothing at all besides seizing an objective late in the game.
In the Fast Attack section I just bought a squad of Rokkit-Buggies. For 105 points they are just great to move quite fast over the battlefield and shoot twin-linked rokkits at everything that could be dangerous for me. Being fast vehicles helps them a lot in staying alive even though they are just AV10 open topped.
The Heavy Support section is quite full (with the BW of the MANz I got 4 units) and very important for my army. I bought two BWs in here what makes my army far more mobile and harder to kill than without them. In addition to that every BW in my army is equipped with a deff rolla, which helps a lot with dealing with highly armoured vehicles. D6 automatic hits at S10 can open LRs or any other vehicle that is annoying my army. It’s important to keep in mind that the BW is open topped, which means that the Orks inside it can even attack anything that falls out of a destroyed transport vehicle ;)
The last Heavy Support slot is occupied by a squadron of Killa Kans. Equipped with grotzookas they can kill hordes as well as better armoured infantry and with AV11 on the front they are quite good in blocking annoying outflanking units. If there is nothing like that to do I can even play them rather aggressively, because their S10 attacks make them also good at destroying vehicles. So they are a real allround unit in my army and can do whatever has to be done.
With 14 killpoints in this list it’s of course not that easy to win a killpoint game, but lots of these killpoints are rather hard to get for your opponent. As long as he doesn’t have lots of long range firepower he will have to get close to you in order to destroy your BWs and that’s exactly what you want him to do. As soon as he approaches you can unleash all of you power at once dealing lots of damage to his units. Normally I keep my army close together with lots of Boyz hidden in BWs. That way they can attack at a rather long range (with the Help of a good time Waaagh even further) and do not block the movement of my vehicles. In games like that I often use my Killa Kans to defend one of my flanks against everything that tries to surround my army, instead of throwing them in the middle of the fight. The Warbuggies very often annoy the enemy and block his movement by spreading out right before his army.
Playing with objectives I try to place one of the objectives very close to my table edge in order to get it with my Gretchin late in the game. The remaining objectives are ideally in the middle of the table close by so that I can seize some of them with my large units of Boyz and the middle of the table is exactly where I want to play most of the time. If there are only two objectives I can defend my own one with Gretchins and Lootas, while lots of my units attacks the other one. As long as I can hold mine and can at least contest the other one with any unit everything is good for me. If your enemy has outflanking units it’s often a good idea to let your Killa Kans defend your objective as well. They should be able to stop most of those units that are able to outflank.
That is more or less what I can tell you about playing with such an army. As always it comes down to playing and learning for yourself and finding your own style of playing. If you find out that you do not need two squads of Tankbustas, but are missing a second unit of Lootas then feel free to change it or play an at all completely different list :)
Just do what you think is the best for yourself and try out lots of different thinks. I hope this article helped you in finding an Ork list for yourself.
Now stay tuned for the next article, at least I do, because I still don’t know what I’m writing about :P
Cheers Cleutin