Sunday, March 20, 2011

Beginning of the Waagh!

Hey guys,

as mentioned before, here is the next update for my blog. Today it's all about my Orks. I'll start off with some pictures of my NobBikers.
The list I'm currently aiming at is as follows:

*************** 2 HQ ***************

- Power Claw
- Warbike
- Cybork Body
- Bosspole
- - - > 140 Points

- Power Claw
- Warbike
- Cybork Body
- Bosspole
- - - > 140 Points

*************** 5 Troops ***************

10 Nobz
- Nob Bikers
- Stikkbombz
- 3 x Big Choppa
- 3 x Power Claw
- 2 x Shoota/Skorcha Kombi-Weapon
- 3 x Bosspole
- 1 x Waaagh! Banner
- Painboy
- Grot Orderly
- Cybork Bodies
- - - > 675 Points

10 Nobz
- Nob Bikers
- Stikkbombz
- 3 x Big Choppa
- 3 x Power Claw
- 2 x Shoota/Skorcha Kombi-Weapon
- 3 x Bosspole
- 1 x Waaagh! Banner
- Painboy
- Grot Orderly
- Cybork Bodies
- - - > 675 Points

10 Gretchin
- 1 x Runtherd
- - - > 40 Points

10 Gretchin
- 1 x Runtherd
- - - > 40 Points

10 Gretchin
- 1 x Runtherd
- - - > 40 Points

Summed up: 1750 Points

I already own all of these models and have started to build the whole army by now. Painted by now are:
- Both Warbosses
- 30 Gretchin (only 1 Runtherd up to now)
- 19 Nobbiker (second Painboy is still in work)

As you can see, nearly all of the army is done already and this is why I moved on to work at my CSM army (shown in the upcoming posts). But for today just enjoy some pictures of the army, including the WBs, one squad of Nobz and all of the Gretchin ;)
Once more this has to be enough for me and I'll go back to my workbench and throw some paint onto my CSM.

Cheers Cleutin

My Waagh!-Banner
Warbosses on bikes
Regular Gretchin

Oldschool Gretchin and ...
... some guys who like to be Orks or at least Gretchin ;)

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