Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tournament in Iserlohn Part II

Hey guys,

as I promised in my last post, I’ll take a bit about the games played in the tournament and the lists other players fielded against us.

Let’s get started with: Game 1!
The mission played was Seize Ground with a fixed number of five objectives and armies were deployment like in Spearhead.
Once again I had to play against my brother in the first round of a tournament … this is getting rather strange! He didn’t intend to play and was just asked to play for another player, who didn’t show up and so he borrowed a Grey Knights army from the store and teamed up with a Wolves player. There lists were as follows:

***************  1 HQ  *************** 

Ordo Xenos Inquisitor
- 3 x Servo-Skulls
- Power Armour
- Ulumeathi Plasma Syphon
- Rad Grenades
- Psychotroke Grenades
 - - - > 82 Points

***************  1 Elite  *************** 

Purifier Squad
9 Purifiers
- 5 x Nemesis Force Halberd
- 1 x Nemesis Daemon Hammer
- 6 x Storm Bolter
- 2 x Psycannon
- Psybolt Ammunition
+ Upgrade to Knight of the Flame
   - Nemesis Daemon Hammer
   - Storm Bolter
+ - Rhino
   - Searchlight
   - Dozerblade
 - - - > 322 Points

***************  2 Troop  *************** 

Grey Knight Strike Squad
5 Grey Knights
- 3 x Nemesis Force Sword
- 3 x Storm Bolter
- 1 x Psycannon
+ Upgrade to Justicar
   - Nemesis Force Sword
   - Storm Bolter
+ - Razorback
   - Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter
   - Searchlight
   - Psybolt Ammunition
 - - - > 161 Points

Grey Knight Strike Squad
5 Grey Knights
- 3 x Nemesis Force Sword
- 3 x Storm Bolter
- 1 x Psycannon
+ Upgrade to Justicar
   - Nemesis Force Sword
   - Storm Bolter
+ - Razorback
   - Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter
   - Searchlight
   - Psybolt Ammunition
 - - - > 161 Points

***************  2 Heavy Support  *************** 

- Twin-Linked Autocannon
- Twin-Linked Autocannon
- Psybolt Ammunition
 - - - > 135 Points

- Twin-Linked Autocannon
- Twin-Linked Autocannon
- Psybolt Ammunition
 - - - > 135 Points

Summed up: 996 Points

***************  1 HQ  *************** 

Rune Priest
- Living Lightning
- Jaws of the World Wolf
 - - - > 100 Points

Rune Priest
- Boltgun
- Living Lightning
- Murderours Hurricane
 - - - > 100 Points

***************  2 Elite  *************** 

Wolf Scouts Pack
5 Wolf Scouts
- Meltagun
 - - - > 85 Points

Wolf Guard Pack
3 Wolf Guard
- 3 x Combi-Melta
- 3 x Powerfist
 - - - > 129 Points

***************  2 Standard  *************** 

Grey Hunters Pack
8 Grey Hunters
- Meltagun
+ - Rhino
 - - - > 160 Points

Grey Hunters Pack
7 Grey Hunters
- Meltagun
+ - Rhino
 - - - > 145 Points

***************  2 Unterstützung  *************** 

Long Fangs Pack
6 Long Fangs
- 5 x Missile Launcher
+ Upgrade to Squad Leader
 - - - > 140 Points

Long Fangs Pack
6 Long Fangs
- 5 x Missile Launcher
+ Upgrade to Squad Leader
 - - - > 140 Points

Summed up: 999 Points
Our deployment of the Orks from the side ...

... and from the top, with the CSM.

Enemies' deployment, everthing seems to be hidden.

My team won the roll off to place the first marker, which gave us the ability to place three out of the five objectives and we decided to put those pretty close to each other, so that my large Ork units could claim several objectives at once. To make it even better for us, we even won the roll off for the first turn and decided to go first, this way we were able to choose a quarter with several interesting ruins for our Obliterators, while we left the enemy armies with only one large LoS blocker, but practically no other cover and in addition to this even only one good position for the Longfangs.
I set up my Nob Bikers quite offensive and Michael kept his Chaos Marines mostly in cover, because we wanted to protect the Rhinos and Daemon Prince. My Boyz were intended to move into the open right from the beginning in order to claim as many objectives as possible. Our opponents tried to get the most out of their LoS blocker, fearing the power of our Obliterators. Right at the moment, when I wanted to start moving my bikes about 24” into the direction of the Longfangs to put on some pressure, our opponents seized the initiative!

Seizing initiative and directly moving into shooting positions.

That meant lots of S8 missiles and autocannons would shoot at my nobs, there wasn’t much I feared, but this was definitely one of the worst things that could happen, because I had no chance to turboboost beforehand. Luckily the shooting was not very successful and I was able to save every shot and didn’t lose a single model. In addition to this our enemy’s large number of Rhinos and Razorbacks stood in each other’s way and couldn’t move around freely. In our turn I boosted the bikes, moved the Boyz and the CSM started to shoot at the annoying Dreadnoughts.
All of the Orks start moving out ...
... and the Boyz secure some objectives.
Over the next few turns we were able to destroy both Dreadnoughts, one unit of Longfangs and nearly every transport vehicle. Sadly, I lost my complete Nob Bikers, but at least they soaked up loooooots of fire and killed one unit of Longfangs and one of the Dreadnoughts. The large unit of Boyz did exactly what it was supposed to do. It secured two objectives and killed a complete unit of Greyhunters, which attacked them.
The Boyz stop the Grey Hunters.
The other Greyhunters and Grey Knights were threaten by our Obliterators and couldn’t reach any objectives that way. The normal CSM camped our home objective and defeated the Wolfscouts and the Plague Marines shot at them Rhinos with their meltaguns. All in all worked our initial plan pretty good, because the table had a large area without any cover right in the middle and we had been able to place most of the objectives there, so that our Obliterators could control everything in the late game. In the end we scored a 15-5 with 3-0 objectives and no real difference in victory points.
The Prince stops some tanks (and lots of dead Orks on the right).
In the next post I’ll tell more about game two and three (which was quite fast). For the second game there are only two or three pictures and in the last game we forgot to take some at all, sorry for that.
Cheers Cleutin

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